You can configure minimum number of link on a port channel. You can provide an optional "min-link-count" for each XCO port channel when you create or update a port channel.
Default value of minimum link count (min-link-count) for a port-channel is 1, which is equal to the SLX default value. When you update the min-link-count attribute, XCO validates the port count on port channel member and minimum link count on each device.
During upgrade from EFA 2.5.5 to the above versions of EFA, the min-link-count for the port-channels is set to the default value 1.
and displayed in the efa tenant po show command output.efa tenant po create --name <po-name> --tenant <tenant-name> --description <po-description> --speed <100Mbps|1Gbps|10Gbps|25Gbps|40Gbps|100Gbps> --negotiation <active|passive|static> --port <list-of-po-members> --min-link-count <min-link-count> --number <po-number> --lacp-timeout <short|long>
efa tenant po update --name <po-name> --tenant <tenant-name> --operation <port-add|port-delete|lacp-timeout|description|min-link-count> --port <list-of-po-members> --lacp-timeout string <short|long> --min-link-count <min-link-count> --description <po-description>
The following example configures minimum link count during port channel create and update operations:
efa tenant po create --name ten1po1 --tenant ten1 --port[0/1-2],[0/1-2] --speed 10Gbps --negotiation active --description tenant1po1 --min-link-count 2 efa tenant po create --name ten1po2 --tenant ten1 --port[0/3],[0/3] --speed 10Gbps --negotiation active efa tenant po update --name ten1po1 --tenant ten1 --operation port-delete --port[0/1],[0/1] --min-link-count 1 efa tenant po update --name ten1po1 --tenant ten1 --operation port-add --port[0/1],[0/1] --min-link-count 2 efa tenant po update --name ten1po1 --tenant ten1 --operation min-link-count --min-link-count 1 efa tenant po update --name ten1po1 --tenant ten1 --operation min-link-count --min-link-count 2 efa tenant po show +-------+------+---+------+-----------+--------+-------+--------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ | Name |Tenant|ID |Speed |Negotiation|Min Link| Lacp | Ports | State | Dev State | App State | | | | | | | Count |Timeout| | | | | +-------+------+---+------+-----------+--------+-------+--------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ |ten1po1| ten1 | 1 |10Gbps| active | 2 | long |[0/1-2] |po-created |provisioned|cfg-in-sync| | | | | | | | |[0/1-2] | | | | +-------+------+---+------+-----------+--------+-------+--------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ |ten1po2| ten1 | 2 |10Gbps| active | 1 | long |[0/3] |po-created |provisioned|cfg-in-sync| | | | | | | | |[0/3] | | | | +-------+------+---+------+-----------+--------+-------+--------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+